Bits of Wisdom
Helpful Hints for Navigating Life
Navigating this journey that we call life can often be challenging. What are some key ways to come back into yourself when life feels simply too much? Read on for some key insight into living your life so that it feels like a gift.
Lost and Found
When life feels incredibly challenging, how do you go within to see the roses that surround you?
You Matter (an Old Parable for Today)
Always remember that you matter and your gifts matter. Never underestimate your ability to change the life of another.
Starting Over
When tragedy strikes, even the simplest of life’s daily responsibilities can seem insurmountable. However, when we lend a helping hand to those in need, not only can we move mountains but we also open our hearts in the process.
The Power of Positive Doing
When faced with a difficult circumstance, how do you navigate through it so that you can emerge stronger and more empowered than before?
Mission Possible!
Each step forward is a powerful step forward into our success. And even if we make a mistake, it's a huge opportunity for learning and growth.
Perseverance is the Name of the Game
Perseverance is one of the primary keys to growth and self-mastery. Stay the course, continue to gain new wisdom, and never stop learning.
Let Go and Let Good!
Life is filled with challenges, just as it’s filled with boundless opportunities for growth and learning. Keeping an open mindset helps us to continually navigate the path to success.
Harnessing the Power of Dreams: Transforming Lives and the World
Do you take time to consider what your dreams are revealing to you? Our dreams have the power to transform our own lives while also shaping the world for the better!
Embracing Acceptance: A Roadmap to Triumph
By embracing acceptance of what is, we begin to understand our reality with greater insight, clarity, and equanimity.
Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
Having an attitude of gratitude paves the pathway for powerful transformation within ourselves!
Resilience in Turbulent Times
Resilience gives us the courage and willpower to rise up from life’s challenges. No matter what the obstacle is, when we tap into our inner resilience, we can face life head-on and continue to rewrite our life story one step at a time.
Freedom and Grace
Wisdom comes to us daily, often disguised and unrecognizable. Paying attention to those signs will enable us to prepare accordingly and enjoy a life filled with a deeper sense of freedom and grace.
The Paradox of Education: The Loss of Genius
In the pursuit of education, there exists a paradox: the more we expose our children to traditional education, the greater the likelihood that they will “dumb down” and stifle their creativity in order to conform.
Sometimes There’s Nothing Upstairs!
Embracing your inner power will help to keep your inner gremlins - or as I like to call them - your “barking dogs” at bay.
Self-Care Magic
Self-care is absolutely essential when it comes to navigating life’s challenges, as well as maintaining your overall health and well-being. What does your self-care look like, and how can you continually improve upon it so that you can be your best, brightest self?
Living On the Edge
When we’re in alignment with what we truly desire, we can forge a new path filled with new ideas and opportunities.
Start your journey
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