You Matter (an Old Parable for Today)
One day a novice monk went to his headmaster. The wise man asked him, “Do you matter?”
The monk confidently answered, “Yes, master, I matter.”
The wise abbot hit the young man with a switch and sent him away.
A month later, the young man found an answer and returned to the old man who asked, “Do you matter?’ “No, master, I don’t matter.” With that, he got another smack. The grandmaster said, “Come back when you have the answer.”
Months later, the young man returned with his answer. “I matter,” he said, “because my presence matters in the circle of life. Without me, the circle contracts. Each of us is here to take our place and share our gifts.
“I am important and unimportant. I am important because “I am.” I am unimportant because we are all equal in the circle of life.
I invite you to spend time contemplating this question.
Where have you withheld your gifts, talents, and genius? Is it because of what others say or think? Are you afraid to join the circle of life and live from a place of knowing you matter?
Take heart. You have a place in the wheel of life that is uniquely yours. Fear is a trick. Worry is a trick. Love is real. Honor your gifts in the great circle of creation, and you will find your way toward fulfillment.
You matter. Your gift, no matter how insignificant you think it is, may change someone’s life.
Stay tuned for the next stress tip!
Peace & Blessings,
Dr. Lin Morel