Lost and Found

Rose garden

Not too long ago, I lost a dear friend to cancer.

If she were with me now, she’d probably tell me to get up and get moving. We’d probably go to lunch with her elderly friend and listen to the wisdom of an elder.

She leaves behind countless people who are touched by her love. They flock to Facebook, honoring her magnificence, kindness, and commitment to life.

My friend was powered by love. An incredible singer, musician, mother, wife, and friend, she was both humble and knowing.

She was fortunate to have completed her life with an equally magnificent husband.  Together they learned the deep meaning of loving, sharing, and honoring one another.

What I’ve found is that love never ends. It is always present and ours for the choosing.  Living full out is messy.  Loving full out is divine.  To be human is to make mistakes. Let’s be forgiving of those we love while they’re here.  Tell them you love them. Be honest with them, and water them and yourself with kindness and compassion for this messy thing called life.

We were never promised a rose garden. What we were promised is the ability to love the sweet essence of the roses and to negotiate through and around life’s thorns. Remember to breathe deeply, and know that all manner of things will be well.

Stay tuned for the next stress tip!

Peace & Blessings,

Dr. Lin Morel


Helpful Hints for Navigating Life


You Matter (an Old Parable for Today)